(316) 858-9100 | 1831 E. 21st St, Andover KS

mission and values


Bringing people closer to Jesus.


We believe in concentrating our focus on the major subjects of the Christian faith rather than getting bogged down in minor issues. We do not believe we have the right to waste time, energy, money or creativity on trivial matters when so many need Jesus. We want to be part of the solution rather than the problem. (II Timothy 2:23-24)

It is our intent, desire and design for primary growth to take place through “conversion growth,” not as a result of “transfer growth.” As Jesus’ ambassadors we desire to seek and save the lost rather than primarily become the next stop on the “saints shuffle.” (Luke 19:10)

The enlarging of God’s Kingdom is much more important than the enlarging of Hope Community Church. (John 18:36)

We follow Jesus’ teachings and strive to make disciples of all believers by increasing their spiritual commitment, depth, maturity, and service. (Colossians 2:6-7; Ephesians 4:13)

We are not interested in building the biggest or prettiest church building. We ARE interested in people and their lives. Buildings are just bricks and mortar. People are the real Church. (Luke 12:16-21; Mark 6:34)

We believe in using any relevant method that does not compromise the truth of the Gospel to communicate and demonstrate the Good News of Jesus. In other words, we are not too proud to try anything short of sin to win people to Christ (Colossians 1:19-20; 1 Chronicles 12:32)

We believe in bold action and the freedom to fail when trying new endeavors in ministry. We would rather try something from a Godly desire than not try at all. If we fail, we seek God, learn from our failures, and try again. God can teach us much through our failures (Mark 14:30; John 21:17)

Just like our Savior, we will accept anyone who seeks Him. (John 3:16-17)

We believe that relationships are central to following Jesus. We believe in a Heavenly Father who has always existed in a loving relationship with the Son and Holy Spirit. Because we are created in his image, we too are called to exist in relationship with him and with each other. Relationships are not a part of following Jesus; Living in relationship is following Jesus. (Matthew 22:34-40)

We are called to authenticity, to be true to who God has called and handcrafted us to be, as Followers of Jesus. (1 Corinthians 12:17-19; Psalm 139:13-15)

Whenever we are faced with making a decision and are unsure as to our proper response, as we are able: Let us always err on the side of generosity, grace, and love. (Hebrews 12:15 and Mark 12:41-44)

Showing others the love of Jesus must always take precedence over manmade policies. (Mark 2:27, John 5:9-11, Luke 13:14-15, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

In order to most effectively be good ambassadors of Christ, our Staff and volunteers are encouraged to properly prioritize care for their families. (1 Tim 5:8, Deut 6:4-9)